Natural Resources
County-Wide Climate Resilience Planning

climate change is expected to have wide-ranging impacts on life in Chelan County. In recent decades Washington has experienced significant droughts, declining snowpack, and several extreme wildfire seasons - providing an indication of the future as the climate continues to warm. In order to build resilience to the impacts of climate change, Chelan County began engaging with local and state partners in early 2019 and continued this engagement in 2020 with the development of the Chelan County Climate Resilience Strategy. The Climate Resiliency Round Table will expand on this effort and serve as the mechanism for the coordination of the priority activities identified in the Climate Resiliency Strategy. Below is an archive of the workshops that led to the establishment of the Climate Resiliency Strategy, information on the Climate Resiliency Round Table, and a library of materials and resources related to the various locally-led efforts to build climate resiliency in Chelan County. We invite you to become part of this process and explore the materials on this page. They provide background information on the topic and information on the work and engagements that have led to where we are now.
Climate Resiliency Round Table
The prioritization effort completed by the Climate Resiliency Round Table in 2022 has informed the 2023-2024 Work Plan. Click to learn more about the top priority key actions for building climate resiliency in Chelan County!
2023 Round Table Workshops
Science-Driven Prescriptions that Create More Resilient Landscapes Workshop - October 5 from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm - Wenatchee Valley College
- 1-1 Landscape Evaluation Overview
- 1-2 Collaboration and the Landscape Evaluation Process
- 1-3 Managing for Resilient Structure and Pattern in Dry Forests
- 1-4 Cascadia Conservation District Dual Benefit Analysis - RCPP
- 1-5 Central Washington Initiative - USFS
- 2-1 West-wide Patterns of Post-fire Tree Regeneration: Impacts of Fire Severity and Climate Change
- 2-2 Evaluating Use of Assisted Population Migration During Reforestation for Climate Adaptation
- 2-3 Application of the Seedlot Selection Tool
- 3-1 Shrubsteppe in Washington
- 3-2 History of Fire in the Shrubsteppe: Fire Management and Restoration Strategies - WVFD
- CCCRRT workshop Input and Takeaways
No Community Left Behind: Building Fire-Wise and Smoke-Readiness Workshop - July 13 from 4 pm to 6:30 pm at the Pybus Event Center
- Workshop Agenda
- What are the Impacts of Smoke on Human Health? - Kent Sisson, Chelan-Douglas Health District
- Clean Air I Care - Alma Chacon, Cafe Wenatchee; Savannah D'Evelyn, UW
- Chelan County Evacuation Protocols - Sgt. Jason Reinfeld, Chelan County Emergency Management
- Resident and Community Wildfire Resilience - Joe Hill, Cascadia Conservation District
- Biochar Applied Research and Development (BARD) Project - Tom McCoy, C6 Forest to Farm
- CHAI Program and Climate Resiliency hubs - Marnie Boardman, WA Dept. of Health; Corrina Farho, Gonzaga University
Nov 17, 2022 Round Table Meeting Minutes and Materials
- Meeting Minutes
- Clean Air I Care
- Forecasting the effects of climate change, wildfire, and restoration on forest health in the Wenatchee watershed
May 19, 2022 Round Table Meeting Minutes and Materials
- Meeting Minutes
- Economic Summit Slides
- Science Advisory Committee Introduction
- Small Committee Breakout Session Notes
- CCCRRT Chatbox Comments
November 18, 2021 Round Table Meeting Minutes and Materials
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Recording - Access Passcode: CCCRRT11.18.21
- Climate Resilience Round Table - Draft Charter
- Climate Resilience Strategy - Action Planning Themes
Climate Resiliency Resource Library
- Chelan County Climate Resilience Strategy
- No Community Left Behind: Addressing Climate Impacts in Chelan County (Passcode = mr!b0CLmuV)
- Chelan County Community Wildfire Protection Plan
- Assessment of Community Wildfire Risk in Chelan County
- UW Climate Impacts Group
- Chelan County Comprehensive Plan
- Chelan County 6-Year Transportation Program
- Sustainable Wenatchee - Local Resources
- WDFW Climate Change Information
- WDFW 25-Year Strategic Plan
- 2020 Washington Forest Action Plan - WA DNR
- 20-Year Forest Health Strategic Plan: Central and Eastern Washington - WA DNR
- Wildland Fire Protection Strategic Plan | WA - DNR
- Prepare for Wildfire | WA - DNR
- Forest Health Assistance for Small Forest Landowners | WA - DNR
- Urban and Community Forestry | WA - DNR
- MRSC’s Local Government Climate Change Documents/Map
- Du_etal_2013_DHSVM_forest_Idaho
- Lundquist et al 2021 - Snow interception modelling - Isolated observations have led to LSM lacking appropriate temperature sensitivities
- PNNL_Final_Report_16Oct2015 - lowres
- Sun et al 2022 - WRR - Forest Canopy Density Effects on Snowpack Across the Climate Gradients
- Wigmosta_etal_DHSVM_book_chapter_2002
Local Climate Response Webinar
Chelan County participated in a webinar hosted by MRSC titled 'Local Climate Response - Building Resiliency and Adapting to Impacts' , follow the link above to view the recorded webinar.
Climate Resiliency Strategy Workshops and Archive
2019 Meeting Information:
May 2020 Meeting Information:
August 2020 Meeting Information:
- Agenda - Chelan County Climate Resilience Workshop on Aug 12
- Climate Change Impacts in Chelan County
- Climate Resilience Strategy Overview Presentation
Draft Chelan Climate Resiliency Strategy
- Draft Chelan Climate Resiliency Strategy- August 2020
- Draft Chelan Climate Resilience Strategy - October 2020
December 2020 Meeting Materials
- December Workshop and Action Tables
- Draft Strategy Document Overview
- Climate Resiliency Strategy Themes
Posted: 07/31/2020 11:44 AM
Last Updated: 03/25/2024 03:31 PM