Chelan County Treasurer

Property Tax Statements

Property taxes become due and payable each year when the current year tax roll is completed by the County Treasurer. Statements for the current tax year are mailed out on or around Feb. 15.  If you do not receive your statement by March 1, call our office at 509-667-6405.


  • First half property tax payments must be paid or postmarked by April 30 or the entire billing becomes delinquent and will accrue interest and penalty. Interest on delinquent taxes is 1% a month. A 3% penalty is charged if first-half payments are unpaid by June 1.
  • Second-half payments must be paid or postmarked by Oct. 31. Interest accrues at 1% a month, and an 8% penalty is charged on Dec.1 for delinquent taxes.

Change of Address:

If you need to update your mailing address, write the correct address on the back of your payment coupon when submitting your payment. Or send an email to with your property ID number and new mailing address.

Posted: 01/22/2015 02:24 PM
Last Updated: 02/28/2024 03:07 PM

Chelan County Treasurer Calendar

Upcoming events and schedules at the county!

  • 31
    Oct 2024
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

    Second Half Property Tax Deadline

    Posted by: Chelan County Treasurer

    Second half property tax deadline